Star Cast: Turlough Convery, Benny O. Arthur, Jacqueline Moré Plot: In an attempt to draw attention to the environmental crisis, young activists decide to invade and vandalize a furniture store. The protest quickly turns into a massacre when they find themselves trapped with a hunting-obsessed night guard.
Release Date: 2024-09-05 Genre: Action, Horror Director: Francois, Anouk, Yoann Star Cast: Turlough Convery, Benny O. Arthur, Jacqueline Moré
In an attempt to draw attention to the environmental crisis, young activists decide to invade and vandalize a furniture store. The protest quickly turns into a massacre when they find themselves trapped with a hunting-obsessed night guard.
1. The Greatest Of All Times (Tamil)
2. Beetlejuice Beetlejuice
3. Speak No Evil
4. ARM (Malayalam)
5. Unhappy for you (Tagalog)
6. Despicable Me 4
7. Afraid
8. Blink Twice
9. Gawaza Toxic (Arabic)
10. The Thicket