Release Date: 18 July 2024 Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family Director: Julio Soto Gurpide
Star Cast: Jesus Barreda, Andrea Villaverde, Catherina Martinez Plot: Fired from his detective job after a mission goes awry, Inspector Sun boards a seemingly normal plane for a much-needed vacation. However, when Dr. Spindlethorp receives a threat on his life, Sun is back on the case, trapped in a web of lies.
Release Date: 2024-07-18 Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family Director: Julio Soto Gurpide Star Cast: Jesus Barreda, Andrea Villaverde, Catherina Martinez
Fired from his detective job after a mission goes awry, Inspector Sun boards a seemingly normal plane for a much-needed vacation. However, when Dr. Spindlethorp receives a threat on his life, Sun is back on the case, trapped in a web of lies.
1. Venom: The Last Dance
2. Terrifier 3
3. Al Shanab (Arabic)
4. The Wild Robot
5. Smile 2
6. El Makhfy (Arabic)
7. Pani (Malayalam)
8. Panda Plan
9. Despicable Me 4
10. Transformers One